Engagement and Education

Patients with chronic conditions and either physical or mental illness often feel alone. They feel as though their condition is unique and that no one else understands or cares. linc is more than remote care. It is a connection to people that educates, empowers, and addresses the social isolation felt by so many. We send educational materials and videos to help patients understand their condition. We review their current health information, surveys, and messages and provide one on one interactions with our health coach team.


Easier Access to Care

Many Americans live more than an hour away from their nearest ER/Trauma center. Many who live in more urban areas still face time and transportation challenges when getting to the provider they need. Whether it is because they live in rural area where advanced care options are not available, or they live in a busy congested city, linc provides patients with remote care, communication, and coaching from their providers without leaving home. When problems are detected and addressed early, patients can often avoid the need for the difficult and expensive trip to the hospital.

Reduced Costs to Patients

Using the remote care and the health coaching helps patients gain control over their conditions. Greater control over their conditions and continual provider feedback help patients avoid many situations that would lead to hospitalization or more advanced, costly care. Medicare studies have shown that every $1 spent on remote patient care saves more than $10 in overall health costs.